Jun 16 - Oct 02, 2022
Kunsthaus Wien, Museum Hundertwasser
with works by Vik Bayer, Anna Bochkova, Karolin Braegger, Emma Hummerhielm Carlén, Kristina Cyan, Nana Dahlin, Pyo E, Felix Grühbaum, Yoko Gwen Halbwidl, Bob Schatzi Hausmann, Florian Hofer, Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Lisa Jäger, Julia Karpova, Adele Knall, Jusun Lee, raúl itamar lima, Taro Meissner, Bianca Phos, Michael Reindel, Jakob Rockenschaub, Alua Sugralimova, Lera Weinrub, Andrea Zabric
Untitled (stinging nettles)
Stinging nettles, metal, nylon, 165 x 100 cm, 2022
Everyone remembers its first time running through a field of stinging nettles - the painful sensations of sharp, sudden stings burning on the skin. Firmly rooted in our collective pain memory, the ruderal plant is an enemy for some, but a friend for others. While rarely eaten by herbivores, their glasslike stinging hairs provide shelter for insects such as butterfly larvae or moths.
Exhibited in Kunst Haus Wien Museum Hundertwasser, the paper tissue made from stinging nettles also relates to Hundertwasser’s “nettle campaign”, his manifesto to praise the nettles and to live an independent life, which he performed in the 1960s in Paris.